Coachella Youth sport Association Soccer League
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Office Hours:
Monday/ Lunes: 12:00pm-5:00pm Tuesday / Martes: 12:00pm-5:00pm
Wednesday. Miercoles: 12:00pm-5:00pm Thrusday/ Jueves: 12:00pm-5:00pm
Friday. Viernes: 12:00pm-5:00pm
Saturday/ Sabado: Closed Sunday/ Domingo: Closed
** Please keep in mind games can Not be changed on weekends (sat/sun)**
**Tenga en cuenta que los juegos no se pueden cambiar los fines de semana (sábado/domingo)**

Coachella Valley Sports Association is a recreational youth soccer league that was established in 2009, and has over 1000, active kids participating in soccer.
Coachella Youth Sport Association Soccer League is a non-profit organization with a 501 (C)(3) status. We represent a large portion of the Eastern Coachella valley with players form Mecca, Thermal, Coachella, North Shore, Indio as well as La Quinta. With the collaborative help of parents and coaches, we actively work in a consistent manner with our youth in the Coachella valley. We are the most competitive recreational soccer league in the Coachella valley, and that is because soccer is in the culture of our community. There is lots of soccer talent in our community and league, but because of the current pay to play soccer format, most of our youth get left out, as they grow up in a low-income household and cannot afford to pay to play at high level soccer competitions, where college scouts look for talent.
We have created a pathway, where kids from our league and the Coachella valley, will have the opportunity to participate in the higher-level soccer competitions, where it’s normally a pay to play system. With the help of parents, coaches, and sponsors, we are looking to cover costs to get our youth in these competitions as well as in front of the college scouts. Not only are we creating a Pathway for the youth of our community, but we are also teaching life lessons through soccer, things that translate to the real world. TEAMWORK, WORK ETHIC, and COMPETITIVNESS are just a few examples of traits one learns on the soccer field.
Within our League we have 115 teams from players ages ranging from 5-18. We are seeking funds to cover uniform costs, equipment, and providing scholarships to the kids that cannot afford to participate in the league.
We look forward to your support on this project, if you do decide to help you will get a separate letter with our 501(c) (3) number for your records. Our Youth must have the same opportunities others have regardless of their financial status. Anything helps! If you have any questions you can contact us by phone Alma Aceves (760)574-8709 , email CYSASoccerLeague@gmail.com or via our website www.CYSASL.com